jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018

Response to BRAF/MEK Inhibition After Progression With BRAF Inhibition in a Patient With Anaplastic Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma

The doctor Julio César de la Torre,  (San Juan de Dios, School of Nursing and Physical Therapy. Comillas Pontifical University) gives us this interesting study about the genetic susceptibility of patients and the benefit that can be obtained with these new treatments related to BRAF and MEK inhibitors. This time about a study, still open, of a clinical case in adults.
He also sends us two links that have been included in the column on the right: a detailed summary on childhood astrocytomas, and an article on pleomorphic xanthostrocytoma: natural history and long-term follow-up.
We appreciate your collaboration..

(Author of the article Rhymes V. Lukas, MD Associate Professor Associate Chief of the Neuro-Oncology Division Associate Co-Chief of the Lou and Jean Malnati Brain Tumor Institute Ambulatory Medical Director Department of Neurology, Northwestern University 710 N. Lake Shore Drive Abbott Hall 1114. And others)

El doctor Julio César de la Torre,  (San Juan de Dios, School of Nursing and Physical Therapy. Comillas Pontifical University) nos aporta este interesante estudio sobre la susceptibilidad genética de los pacientes y el beneficio que se puede obtener con estos nuevos tratamientos relacionados con inhibidores BRAF y MEK. En esta ocasión sobre un estudio, aún abierto, de un caso clínico en adultos.
Igualmente nos manda dos enlaces que han sido incorporados a la columna de la derecha: un resumen detallado sobre astrocitomas infantiles, y un artículo sobre el xanthoastrocytoma pleomórfico: historia natural y seguimiento a largo plazo.
Agradecemos su colaboración.