Actualmente se están llevando acabo algunos ensayos en donde además de la quimioterapia temodal (radiación y operaciones quirúrgicas) se utilizan derivados del cannabis. A continuación muestro algunas líneas sobre esto:
"... She has been taking Temozolomide (TMZ) together with cannabis extracts (Sativex and CBD oil) for the last 4-5 months and in her last scan we finally had some better news – her tumour has reduced. We are not getting carried away but it was lovely to hear something positive after the incessant negatives and stressparticularly over the last year or so. Her next scan is now planned for 3 months which will hopefully give us some breathing space. FYI in the 28 day TMZ cycle she has a week or so at the start where she feels very tired, and tummy troubles can arise, but the rest of the time she feels pretty good so overall it's ok. Also FYI she was put on steroids for 3-4 months, as a precaution against swelling/pressure effects in her head, but has now come off them. The steroids caused her body to swell, for example she got a much rounder face, and clothes became tight fitting. But she has now migrated off these and is hopefully returning to normal. But, it's worth noting that during the phased withdrawal from steroids she had fairly bad headaches, so if you or yours are suggested to go on these, or are on and need to come off, be advised of this possibility..."
Given these data, the Spanish Group for Neuro-oncology (GEINO) proposes developing a phase Ib, open-label, multicenter, intrapatient dose-escalation clinical trial to assess the safety profile of the THC+CBD combination at a 1:1 ratio, adding temozolomide and radiotherapy in patients with newly-diagnosed glioblastoma..."
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